Advantages and disadvantages of moving to a foreign country

Publicado  Sunday, March 4, 2012

Nowadays, many people are moving from their homeland to other countries. This happens for many reasons but most of the emigration is due to economical issues. Then we can understand why people is leaving but, which are the advantages and drawbacks of moving to a foreign country?

Moving away from your land to another may be an excellent opportunity to find work. Many emerging Markets are looking for prepared people so as to work in their enterprises. Besides, living in a foreign country will enrich your culture and, furthermore, if you’re planning to root there and having children, there’re some studies saying that bilingualism is great for their development.

On the other hand, living in a different country may be tough and you can feel homesick, especially if your adopted country is quite more different than your homeland. In addition, you may have no luck and you don’t find a work. Moving to a foreign country can be quite tricky and dangerous.

To sum up, moving away is something that has good things and bad things. In my opinion, this is something you really need to think about if you want to do it; you’ve got to be sure about what are you going to do before taking any decision.

Marina Gómez Tena

Discussion essay: Many people move permanantly to a foreing country


Nowadays, many people move permanantly to a foreig coutry. It can be because that people have problems in his own country, like economic problems. The better way to move are always developed countries like United States.

There can be a lot of advantages to move away to other country. First of all, vast majority of people that move to another country it's to solucionate personal problems so they can have a better life. Secondly, travel to another country can meet diferent culture of many people, and it, can be fun. Finally, you can learn a lot of think living in another way.

On the other hand, moving away has some drawback as well. Firstly you leave all your family and your habit. On the top of that, you miss the warmth and support of all people known, and you can end up feeling quite lonely and homesick.Lastly, moving away is not always solucionate the problems that obligated you to move.

From my point of view, moving to another country is good. Forthermore, it is something that everyone has to do at some stages, because it can be successfull. However, move away can be better if you have the suport of somebody in the other country that permit you get used to the new rutine easily.

Fuxin Jin Wu



In our time a lot of people move away from their homelands or places in which they grew up abroad, to the unknown. They aren’t a specific group of people; these people are students, working people, pensioners, anyone who can afford it.

  For many people emigration is a chance, an opportunity of better life. All the people who suffers unemployment, poor wages, injustice or another citizen’s problems.

However, not only unhappy persons decide move to foreign countries. Some people only emigrates or bought a house abroad because they like the place. On the other hand there are voyagers, people who travels from country to country constantly for their own pleasure.

  Nevertheless, an immigration could turn into a serious problem; Spain is an example of this. Although the restrictions that a country accomplishes would tease to simply travelers or decent people who wants to change their  daily entourage. The migration fluxes also could induce an aggravation of familiar relationships.

  All in all, I think the migrations are indispensable in our today society: the people need to travel and move away form their routine.
 My family and I are an adequate examples of permanently moving people. We’ve moved to Spain five years ago because my parents fallen in love in Spain. And this year, I’m living here, in Barcelona, alone, far away from all my family. 




Moving to another country is beginning to be something common. Most of the people that move do it because they are offered a better job or they want to find a job. Therefore, the fact of changing the place where you live implies a change on their lives that most people accept.

On one hand, moving to another country has some advantages. Firstly, you can improve, or learn a new language, costumes, way of life… As well as that, it could be a new experience for get used to living with other people, in case that you share home. Finally, changing country nowadays it is a good way to enter in the multicultural world where we live.

On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages. First of all, it could be difficult get used to the new manners and to the native people. Moreover, start to learning a language, could be very difficult, especially if you don’t know anybody. Lastly, you can have some problems to get a job, and also you may realize that you don’t have the support of your family.

To conclude, moving to a foreigner country, if you are a person who like’s try new experiences and knew challenges, is probably a good thing.

In my opinion, I strongly recommend people to open up to new experiences and travel, which is the future for that people who wants to be recognized.

Laura Fernández Marín.

Discussion essay


Nowadays in our society going abroad it is a very usual thing because of the globalization. It is a common thing, for example, that an English person goes to Germany to work or the other way round. This situation has advantages and drawbacks.

To start with this situation allows you to know new countries, new people, new traditions and new societies. Moreover, if you are able to travelling abroad you will have more opportunities of having work than other people that only want to work in their city. You will also have a bit more of independence if you decide going abroad because you will not be with your family and you will have to make a living and get by to have a standard level of live.

On the other hand we all know that knowing a different language it is not always so easy, and sometimes there are societies where it is not that easy to integrate. Furthermore, living behind you all your previous life it is not so easy and taking that decision it is not very easy, because you are also living your family in another country.

All in all I really think that I would go abroad because it ‘s always a great opportunity and the chance of returning home it will always be there, and having the opportunity of travelling to a different country will not last forever.

Pablo Tramullas