Publicado  Tuesday, December 28, 2010

54 Provença Street
BCN, Spain

28 December 2010

James Daylesford
Foxmore's Organic Centre
28 Llull Street
BCN, Spain

Esteemed Mr Daylesford,

I am writing because of the advertisement that I have seen in a newspaper to apply to be an assistant tour guide.

I am sixteen years old and I am studying first of Bachillerato, specifically the health way. I speak spanish and catalan fluently and, I have a good english level. I have enclosed my CV as you have required in the advertisement. I would like to work in your farm because it maybe can help me in some aspects in my investigation project next year. This could be a good way for taking experience too.

The advertisement says that we have to let you know when we will be available for interview and I have to say that whenever you want would be perfect for me, but specially these christmas days.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely
Anna Martínez Sánchez





Personal information

Adress: 54 Provença Street BCN, Spain 08029

Place of birth: Barcelona (Spain)

Date of birth: 17th October of 1994

Mobile: 616 52 84 65

Marital status: single

Education and qualifications

2010 E.S.O. degree at Sil school, Spain

2010 Trinity degree (level 8) at Sil school, Spain

Work experiences


Personal skills and competences

Spanish: native

Catalan: native

English: very good spoken and written

French: oral comprehension

Italian: oral comprehension
2000-2001 Third prize in skating at Skating club, Assumpció de Ntra. Sra. school, Spain
2001-2002 Second prize in skating at Skating club, Assumpció de Ntra. Sra. school, Spain
2005-2006 Third prize drawing at Assumpció Ntra. Sra. school, Spain
2007 Certificate Bronze Aliga level skiing at La Molina, Spain

Information technologies:
2010 Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Certificate of Assistance at Sil school, Spain

Additional information
Very good organizational skills

I love to travel and to meet people