An informal letter

Publicado  Thursday, April 19, 2012

  Dear Hannah, 
 Today it's my fifth day in Oxford. I went on Friday and I'll stay 3 more weeks here, in an English family doing a lengueage course.
It's so sad that you couldn't come with me over there: I'm having a lot of fun and I've known awsome people, until now. The atmosphere is amazing, even so we do 3 hours of class every day.
Probably I'm in one of the funniest groups here and also, we have the best langueage level comparing with the rest of the groups. Because of that practicing our langueage abilities are a pleasure. 
I'm having a lot of fun and I've known some atractive girls too...
 All in all, I hope meet you as soon as I'll be back. We can go to the beach one day. It would be great to see you again, this time below shining sun.